Number of Hours
With a membership at Alta View Golf you can have 2 active hours of reservations in the system. Each reservation that you make is for one hour. After you complete a session, you can then make a subsequent reservation on another day. Use the WIX mobile application or the Alta View Golf web site to create and cancel reservations.
If you want to reserve two hours back to back on the same day you can do that. Once you are done with that reservation then you can book another 2 sessions in the system. Please skip a day after doing 2 sessions in a single day for booking your next sessions.
You can also book two bays at the the same time for one hour on a given day. If you do this please skip.a day when you then make your subsequent reservation.
If you want to reserve more than 2 hours of combined bay time on a single day contact Alta View for a creating a group event.
Advance Bookings
You can make a reservation up to 7 days in advance. You can see the calendar more than 7 days out, but the system doesn't let you make a reservation for more than 7 days in advance.
There is no fee for bringing guests to Alta View. We encourage you to bring guests and let them enjoy playing and practicing with you. You as the member are responsible for their safety and behavior. Please make sure that you guests follow proper safety protocols and clean up the bay as they leave so it is tidy for the subsequent group.