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Test Yourself with a No Handicap 9 Hole Tournament


Playing a tournament round is a great way to challenge yourself. Play the 9 hole tournament on Yellowstone golf club and see if you can get the low gross score.

Yellowstone Golf Club indoor tournament
Yellowstone Golf Club

This tournament is setup with separate tees for males and females. Greens are set to a speed of 11. There will be some wind so pay attention! The elevation of this course is slightly higher than Highland so the ball will really fly when you strike it well.

How To Play

Simply select the tournament panel on the Trackman Performance Studio screen and the tournament will be available to select and play through January 14, 2024. You can play as many times as you want so try multiple times to better your prior score.

You can check the leaderboard while you are at Alta View Golf in the Trackman Performance Studio by going to the Tournaments panel, seleting the tournament, and then selecting the leaderboard.

Check The Leaderboard From Anywhere

Once you play in the tournament you can track the leaderboard from your Trackman Golf app on your phone. Simply select the Tournaments tab and then select My Tournaments. Then selct this tournament and there is a link to see the live leaderboard. You can also check the closest to the pin and long drive leaderboard for this tournament from same page on the Trackman Golf app.

You can come back to this page to see the laderboard below.

Live Leaderboard

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