Any time you have a wedge in your hand you're presented with a great opportunity to get the ball onto the green and close to the pin. If you have a 70 yard distance to the pin, being off by just 10% or 7 yards means you have a 21 foot putt which is certainly not high percentage putt. The PGA tour average for a 50/50 putt is right around 8 feet. Thus knowing how to control wedges to just a few yards of variation on your distance control is essential if you are going to have more reasonable opportunities to have a makable 1 putt.
Looking at it another way, one big key to scoring is 3 putt avoidance. And clearly the further you are away from the pin the chances of having a 3 putt go up. So even if you don't stick the wedge shot to under 10 feet you still want to make sure you don't up up with a 50+ foot putt when you are just 70 yards out so you can avoid the score killing 3 putt.
In this video you learn from collegiate golfer Jane Olsen. Jane plays at Utah Tech and has even played in an Epson tour event. She has placed high in the Utah State amateur tournaments the past few years and credits a lot of her success to wedge play. Jane takes lessons from Rob Stanger and has spent many hours at Alta View working on wedge distance control. In this video you get some great pointers on how to incorporate what Jane does into your practice sessions on Trackman to help you build a "yardage card". Use Trackman to learn this handicap dropping skill so when you play golf you can confidently know how to have a dialed in distance control for any length of wedge shot.
This is a great time of year to take stock of where you need to improve to score better. Let us help you make sure you are doing the same things you see Jane do with some of our great lesson options. Just give us a call or text at 801-823-4302 to setup a lesson today.